History is a biography of great men! No great man ever soared on the wings of achievement without drinking from the fountain of wisdom. No deeper wisdom has been given to mankind than what is in the precepts of the Word of God
When we gather as men; fathers, sons and brothers, it is to sharpen each other against the double edged sword of the Holy Scriptures. For how can we penetrate the barriers of complacency without this sharpness? How can we win in the arena of responsibility without this sharpness?
We gather because we understand that our mandate is not just for a nation but for a generation! We see the future as our responsibility because we understand that we did not inherit the earth from our fathers, we borrowed it from our children.
So I implore you to give your faith free reign. I urge you to rise up in courage, lose sight of the shore so that you can explore new seas. I beseech you to stretch your vision beyond the bounds of possibilities as we pioneer a generation of truly great men.
You are all very welcome!
Apostle Grace Lubega
Vision Bearer ~ Phaneroo Ministries International
Phaneroo is a dynamic, life transforming and generational impacting ministry with a vision to transform nations and the entire world with the word of God.
The Greek word ‘Phaneroo’ is translated as bringing to manifestation that which existed but is not seen.
As a ministry, we desire to see a generation of Christians manifesting and living the life of a believer as promised by the scriptures: bringing forth things that men never thought existed yet they did in fact exist because of the Word of God.
The Phaneroo mission entails the raising of Christians that are distinguished as sons of God; separated for the demonstration of the God life to the world and crowned with the glories of eternity.